Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board
Minutes -- Regular Meeting
December 2, 2015
A Regular Meeting of the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board was held on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 in the Mayor's Office.
Present were Mayor Carbone, Board of Public Safety Representative Robert Conforti, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Comptroller Alice Proulx, and Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco.
Board Member Glenn Royals, City Council representative Anne Ruwet, and Board of Finance representative Bill Lamoin were absent.
Mayor Carbone opened the meeting at 8:00 a.m.
Replace Fire Department Vehicles
On a motion by Mr. Conforti, seconded by Mrs. Zucco, the Board voted unanimously to approve the purchase of two (2) Ford Explorers to replace Line Item #6 (2001 Jeep Cherokee) and Line Item #14 (2004 Ford Taurus) for the Fire Department, not to exceed $1000 more per vehicle than budgeted in the Vehicle Replacement Plan.
Replace Recreation Department Vehicle
On a motion by Mrs. Zucco, seconded by Mr. Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to approve the replacement the 2002 Ford Escape with a Jeep Patriot or equivalent with an overage not to exceed $1000 from the budgeted amount in the Vehicle Replacement Plan.
Mr. Castro noted that the $1000 overage allowance should be across the board, and that he is comfortable with the numbers budgeted in the plan.
Replace Police Department Vehicles
On a motion by Commissioner Conforti, seconded by Mrs. Zucco, the Board voted unanimously to approve the replacement of Line Item #12, a 2003 Crown Victoria, Detective Vehicle, with a Ford Explorer, not to exceed $1000 more per vehicle than budgeted in the Vehicle Replacement Plan.
On a motion by Commissioner Conforti, seconded by Ms. Proulx, the Board voted unanimously to approve the replacement of Line Item #16, 2009 Patrol Car K9 Crown Victoria with an Interceptor, Patrol Utility Vehicle/SUV, with the understanding that an effort will be made to find a price as close as possible to what’s budgeted in the Vehicle Replacement Plan.
On a motion by Mrs. Zucco, seconded by Commissioner Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to approve the replacement of Line Items 17, 19, 23 and 24 Crown Victoria Patrol Cars with Interceptor, Patrol Utility Vehicle/SUVs, not to exceed $1000 more per vehicle than budgeted in the Vehicle Replacement Plan.
Mr. Castro explained that although MHQ may honor 2015 pricing until January 2, 2016, computer systems will have to be installed in-house, and lettering will have to be added for these four units.
On a motion by Ms. Proulx, seconded by Commissioner Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to approve the replacement of Line Item #30, 2008 Patrol Supervisory/Ford Expedition with the same, at the budgeted amount plus a $1000 threshold for additional costs if necessary.
On a motion by Commissioner Conforti, seconded by Ms. Proulx, the Board voted unanimously to move forward on the Replacement Schedule, and approve, the replacement of Line Item #6, Police Department Traffic Division Supervisory Vehicle at a cost not to exceed $35,000. Mr. Castro said this vehicle may not make it through another whole year, and he is looking for a cheaper version, a low profile vehicle to save money, such as a Ford 4 x 4.
On a motion by Commissioner Conforti, seconded by Mrs. Zucco, the Board voted unanimously to undertake the scheduled replacement of the Regional Animal Control vehicle with a Ford Transit, to include, over time, the participation from the other towns in the agreement.
Bid Process: Purchase Off State Contract
On a motion by Mrs. Zucco, seconded by Commissioner Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to purchase the four approved Patrol Interceptor SUVs off the state contract through MHQ of Middletown, CT, with 2015 pricing.
On a motion by Mr. Castro, seconded by Mrs. Zucco, the Board adjourned at 8:51 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Anderson, MCTC, CMC
Asst. City Clerk